Sanitas International Expats

Order online Insurance coverage
If you are a student younger than 36, find your insurance here

As professionals in the sector, at Sanitas International Expats we guide you and help you in the process of contracting the best health insurance for your needs as an expatriate from anywhere in the world in Spain with the BUPA guarantee, in both Spanish and English.

We will also provide you with the necessary certificates and documents to obtain a residence visa or NIE, if you are already in Spain.

Sanitas is a company that respects the environment and therefore all electronic communications and files have full legal validity and all procedures can be carried out online, without having to travel.

Sanitas Más Salud

Full health care + hospitalization
Primary Care
Medical specialties
Simple and complex diagnostic tests
Simple and complex therapeutic methods
Surgical interventions
Counseling programs

Sanitas Más Salud Familias

Insurance designed for the whole family
Primary Care
Medical specialties
Simple and complex diagnostic tests
Simple and complex therapeutic methods
Surgical interventions
Counseling programs

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What is included

Choose the Doctor you want

Enjoy access to more than 40,000 professionals in our medical staff.

Second medical opinion

Managed by Sanitas to specialists of recognized international prestige.

Own Centers

Access our exclusive centers with the most modern technology.


Why we have been dedicated to health for over 60 years.

Telephone and Web Advisor

Telephone and web platform served by health professionals.

Online management

Request for appointments, download of analytics, requests for reimbursements, medical authorizations, ..

Sanitas Expats Insurances Information Documents

This documents are a summary of the main information related to the corresponding insurance contract. The pre-contractual information in the insurance application and the complete contractual information related to the product, is provided in the General and Particular Conditions of the contract.



Grace periods

Grace periods indicate the time that must elapse between discharge from health insurance and the possibility of using certain services. Only the following services have grace periods:

Outpatient surgical operations. For example: Group 0 to II procedures, as classified by the Spanish Medical Colleges Organisation: 3 Months
Complex diagnosis tests: 6 Months
Psychology: 6 Months
Child delivery or caesarean except premature birth (less than 37 weeks): 8 Months
The following Complex Therapeutical Methods: interventional cardiology/ hemodynamics; interventional radiology, radiotherapy and chemotherapy; and lithotripsy: 10 Months
Vasectomy and tubular ligation: 10 Months
Hospitalisation and surgical operations different from outpatient care and those performed as inpatient. For example: Group III to VIII procedures, as classified by the Spanish Medical Colleges Organisation: 10 Months
*If you had at least 1 year in a health policy program of another company in Spain when contracting Sanitas, you can reduce and even eliminate the grace periods of your new policy, except childbirth.


Maximum hiring age
The maximum contracting age for this product is 75 years

Maximum age of stay
There is no maximum age of stay

Discount for payment method 4% per year



You can contact us for any questions, using the phone, email or the form below.